Winterized yesterday, but not shut down. Going to Louisiana on Nov 17. I'll unwinterize, then winterize again when we return home on the 25th.
Meanwhile, we're still driveway camping, but for the next few days we are in a "no water" zone. Port-a-potty in the bathroom, no water in the sinks. We can shower and fix meals in the house again, but still enjoy hanging out and sleeping in the camper.
So, I winterized the water lines yesterday and opened all the holding tank valves so everything could finish dripping out. It seems this new Montana continues to drip on-and-on-and-on.
So, when we woke up this morning in mid-20 degree weather, I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw this.
It warmed up and it's melted off now, and I closed the valves and replaced the caps.
Just a sober reminder to make sure your tank valves aren't dripping. I left mine open on purpose as they were already dumped. Still, I'm amazed how much more drippled over night and turned to this.