There is a very long lived thread that is dominated by one particular poster. Time and time again he goes off on rude, inaccurate (insane), political rants. He is consistently rude and abusive and lately just plain crude. I have on several occasions complained to the mod and in fairness to them the inappropriate offending posts have been removed.
Other posters have suggested, perhaps tongue in cheek but it hard to tell sometimes, that the mod is somehow related (BIL, neighbor, friend???), of the offending poster and thus he gets away with his consistent nonsense. I would totally disregard such an insinuation were it not for the frequency of this posters offenses. Why does a blatantly offensive post by this person show up and remain until someone else complains? Am I always the very first person to read his garbage? Don't the mods review each and every post in a reasonably timely manner?
I participate in a number of Forums and have never seen such behavior tolerated. After a few such incidents the offender simply is made to disappear. My understanding is that political comments of any kind are prohibited but lately it seems that it is contingent upon your particular political position.
I have danced around naming the thread/offenders here but they know who they are. To whoever is in charge (El Jefe?), of this Forum I ask the following:
Does this Forum tolerate political posts or not? If so, I would suggest you create a thread strictly for political posts and let everyone have at it, If not, get rid of the offenders and the Mod's who allow them. :h