toedtoes wrote:
I agree, but I will point out that the OP has 4 kids (11, 8, and 2- 4yr olds per their signature). What I'd let an 8 or 11 year old do is different than what I'd let a 4 year old do. I also wouldn't want to put the pressure of "watching out for" the 4 year olds on the older kids. That puts the OP in a slightly different situation than having one kid or a couple at older ages.
Four would definately be harder then our two...Especially with the age difference. The 11 & 8 can probably be allowed to roam, as long as one eye could locate them every once in a while. Problems is, they gonna need both eyes to keep track of the 2 & 4, who will surely be going in different directions. :R
I still say...if you can do it at home, you can do it at the CG. The 8 & 11 should be able to take care of themselves, which leaves one big mud puddle for the 2 & 4 to sit in...keep them occupied for hours :B