As a kid, my dad had a rule. Play baseball to the end of the spring season...then camping starts. There would be NO All-star travelling team, all summer long. When I was around 15 yrs old, my parents got tired of camping around, set up a permanent site in a CG (my brother has that same site some 35 yrs later). That is what WE did EVERY weekend in the summer.
My kid played All-Star baseball. Coach would get mad if you told him you were going to do something else, instead of going to yet another weekend tournament. Most of the coaches live and breath BASEBALL, that is all they do, that is how the entire family spends EVERY weekend, all summer.
My kid works a real job today. Chances are your kid will as well. I would bet that coaches kid does too.
My advice, for what it is worth. DO NOT spend every weekend doing one thing, thinking the kids future is at stake. The kid will be better off having MANY things to do. GO CAMPING-----my dad had it right. Sports until school ends---then it is family time. If family times involves camping, then go camping.
Spend the weekends, biking, swimming, canoeing, etc,,,,, Your kid can LOVE baseball during the regular season---let him learn to love something else as well.
EDIT: Camp for us was BASE. From there we went to the amusement park, the lake, met life-long friends (and one ex-wife), and did other family things.