Well when I went to storage yesterday I went to poke around and check batteries and all with my eyes and not go by the indicator lights. I had some green crud on one of the posts. Trailer would not go up at all when I turned the battery disconnect on.
Pulled both batteries out ( trojan t 105 about 3 years old and brought them home. Checked water levels and noted the water was below the plates so added distilled to all 3 caps in each battery. Cleaned everything up and put them on a trickle charge. This morning they read 12.69 V ( but this is while they were hooked up) so they were not charged and lacking some water.
I hope this is my issue!!!
I will check after work today and that will have given them 24 hours and check strength. I think it should be around 13.4??????
Thought about running the jumpers to the motor like suggested to check for fun but delt with this first. That is how I run my genny during the winter months when going over to check things and exercise the genset.
I did see dirt piled on the tops of the legs so these will need me tending to them when I tow it home again.
Of note. My rig is a 50 amp service and I rarely ever find 50 amp. It is usually only 30 and works for a few days but I know some of my electrical draws are not on the legs of the 30 amp. Example is, when I am plugged to shore power 30 amp my batteries are not charging as per the indicator lights.
Weird but I did not wire the unit. My electric option for hot water tank does not work on the 30 amp either as well as many of my receptacles .
I may have to look into this .
I would have thought that running the genset would have lifted the trailer but in this case no with the batteries in the condition they were showing. The battery light indicators in the trailer were not the tell all.
Thanks all for replies. Again I hope this is the issue!!!!