I see on many post's they talk about a 12 dollar permit fee to allow you to stay longer. Where can i find that info. I have some knowledge of laws. The constable's office here has had alot of issues. They need to justify their existence. We do have a problem with out of state registered vehicle. IF you drive Las Vegas you will see numerous out of state plates all over Vegas not tourist area. Most from California and Oregon. Most are residents. The intent was to target those folks, not RVs or toads for seasonal residents. Local LE can't stop a vehicle just for out of state plates. If your stopped for a violation with out of state plates and LE can verify your a resident then you can be cited. Constable's have to prove same thing. I have never seen or heard of this 12.00 permit, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Its always funny when I see a out of state plate but their registration on that same plate has a Nevada address.