My Lumbar Stenosis may be a little different than yours, I have three bulging discs, one joint almost without any part of the disc and one bone on bone. Due to three joint replacements(one hip, two knees), a recent(five years ago)hernia repair using the mesh, several BCCs. prostate radiation treatment and being almost 77 years old, my family practice DR. and my oncologist are not really in favor of any major surgeries, especially on my back.
I too was downing hydrocodone tablets like candy and finally told the DR, no more, lets do something else. Finally ended up with a new MD, a very young pain specialist(aren't they all young today) who agreed with me that until I was pain free or nearly so, stretching and core strengthening was out of the question. Solution, Lumbar Epidurals.
The first year, it was every 3 months, the last two were a year apart with the last one being about two months ago. I have had a prescription of 40 hydrocodone for well over a year and most of them are still in the bottle. For the last week my 15 year old grandson and I have been removing the landscaping from our front yard, required moving about two yards of soil from a raised planter and in his Mother's front yard a whole lot of weed wacking and the removal of a 500 pound stone fountain and 10 years of accumulated heavy clay pots full of soil and dead plants. My daughter doesn't have a green thumb. Yesterday I gave the DGS half a day off to go hang with his friends while I took a really big load of yard trash and fountain to the landfill and off loaded by myself.
My stretching and core strengthening is mostly done as part of physical labor. It has taken almost two years to find stretching movement that my back will tolerate and most of that is done while laying in bed in the morning.
I did take a pain pill last night but it was for very sore muscles and not to mask nerve pain.
I'm glad I listen to the DR and tried the epidural treatments first, but, if the current course of treatment is no longer effective, I will seek out the laser treatment.