luberhill wrote:
Ok why can’t I just add bleach to the 1/4 tank of water I now have instead of draining and filling ??
Couldnt I just add bleach then run the hot water till I smell bleach do the same to the cold water and then leave it overnight
Drain everything in the morning ??
There's lots of ways to do it, yours would work too. But here's some further info:
Troubled system (smells, algae): 0.13 oz of bleach * tank size. Ex: 7.8 oz per 60 gallons
PV (preventative or new to you system, or start of season): 1 oz bleach/60 gallons
Remove Smells: 1.5 cups vinegar/60 gallons
Sweeten water: 1/2 cup baking soda/60 gallons
Adjust amounts for your tank size. Note in these concentrations, you can still drink the water. No need to drain and refill. Some sensitive people will taste the Troubled System concentration but it's still drinkable. No need to waste it.
In general: Add bleach, fill tank, run water to & through every faucet and shower head. Best to leave bleach overnight, and some experts say 48 hours.
These concentrations come from a chemist who worked in city water management his entire career and was also a RV'er.