down home wrote:
wbwood wrote:
down home wrote:
Younger generation has less money...fewer jobs, lower paying jobs, higher cost health insurance or no health insurance. Everything has gone up by about 400% since 09 imo from personal experience. Gasoline has relaxed a bit but was a little less than a dollar for a while, in late 08, just a ways from here.
There is the other side where professionals and so on are buying million dollar home ,right out of schools, and even RVs.
That's just what I see. Oh quite a few are figuring, to save money, on fuel and are buying expensive cross over SUVs? and xo on, on 6 and seven year loans and leases.
Doing what they have to do to survive right now but sacraficing the future. They are between a post and hard spot.
The funny thing is that it's preached that you must have a college education. Kids (and often parents) go out and take on huge student loans for an education that will not get them hardly anything on their ROI (return on investment). Why would I waste 4 years (or more) of school and spend $50,000 or more on college to get a job making barely $40,000 if that. Then they are stuck paying on those student loans for 10 years or more afterwards. Then people tell you they are having a hard time getting those jobs they went to school for. People need to stop thinking that way. College is a good thing and required for many jobs, but there are so many jobs and careers out there that don't require it and you can make more money.
People are also too busy trying to keep up with the "Jones'"....
What's sad is the thought process now adays. I know someone that spent several years in the Army. Got out and went to work for a Sheriff's Dept. Worked there a couple years and then no longer. Not sure why they are no longer there. But they are divorced and have a couple kids. They pay their child support with the money from their GI bill. Then they decided to go to school for something, so they took out a student loan in order to do that. They had no job and was living on $100/month leftover from student loan. Granted they were living their parents and then another person. But all they did was complain that there were no jobs. I pointed out many different jobs. I sent them a link to a security job. They have security experience (military/sheriff dept), but they said they applied for one a while back and they were told they were over qualified for it. I mention simple things like delivering pizza or even fast food. Thier response, oh I've put in applications ,but either don't hear anything or they are told they are over qualified. BS. This conversation took place a month or so ago. Guess where they started working last week? McDonalds. I guess they weren't over qualified after all. They finally got desperate enough. I heard them even state "yeah, I didn't want to work in fast food"..... Peoplejust need to get their priorities straight.
Can't lump personal reasons or attitudes and drive in any one reason.
Just the general trend, that is observed. It may not hold true every where. Certainly different jobs markets from coast to coast but the general trend seems to hole.
As far as "McDonalds" jobs, no need to go there, there is whole boyd of testimony about it around the web.
My comments were not intended to justify or villify anyone. It is just what is seen in media, around, the web, and down the street so to speak. The major income source around here seems to be selling your land and or your home. Retirees from the Big city and Developers are all over the area.
Mcdonalds was used as a reference. I still hold to my thoughts. People have the mindset that hey can't do something or that they can't afford to do something until they are a certain age. It would be a long miserable life to sit around all my life and think that it's going to have to wait till I'm 65 or older to do it. It's bad enough to think I have to wait till then to stop working. You don't have to spend an arm and leg to go camping. You just gotta go do it.