The shift to technology and social media has had an impact on society. Never before have we experienced anything like in the history of humankind. Television came along but it was still a group activity.
Today, social media, hand-held devices, have changed all that. You see and will see less group activities in the future. I don't think we still have any idea how this will impact society as a whole but we will in the next 10 years as students graduate from high school, university, hopefully start families and join the workforce.
In schools, the push now is to teach students to work in teams and group projects. Why? Because we can see the shift away from working together. Not saying the impact will be negative, but it will be quite different from today. UNESCO saw this ten years ago with the Four Pillars and Life Skills. After interviewing companies around the world, the consensus was that the number one thing a company needs is people who can work together. That isn't being helped by new technology.