"Rolling Family" ("Familia Rodante")
The comedy-drama tells the story of Emilia (Graciana Chironi) an 84-year-old grandmother who lives in the Buenos Aires suburbs and receives a phone call inviting her to be the matron of honour at her niece's wedding in Misiones, the village of her birth.
The Province of Misiones, where the village is located, is over 1000 kilometres away, on the Brazilian border in the farthest north-east part of Argentina.
Nevertheless, the large family decides to embark on a weekend long trip to take their grandmother to the wedding in a beat-up motor-home. (Note: about the same size as my 20 ft Class C)
While the members have feuds, intrigues and love affairs on the journey, they, mostly, have to accept each other's quirks and faults, and give each other a lot of space along the way as they encounter a few problems on their long road-trip.
The film ends with Emilia in an introspective moment. She drinks her mate (a regional drink) and appears to contemplate her family and life.
Available on DVD