2oldman wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
TOne class of criminal loves mobile housing.. They set up their labs inside and "COOK" illegal stuff,.. They move often so that the neighbors do not get suspicious.'
That was a TV show, but I wonder how often it really happens.
When my motorhome was stolen, they moved it a few blocks away. They then took the AGM battery and replaced it with an old cheapie, siphoned out the gas (cut the intake hose to do so, but didn't realize there was a second tank), took everything out of it and then "sold" it to some loser. Either the loser or the thief used it for no more than 24 hours. They were gone when the police recovered it.
I suspect most do that - steal it, use it for a short time and then walk away. To keep it longer risks getting busted. And they won't vother refilling tanks, emptying tanks or recharging - so they will walk away when they run out.