rk911 wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
Y'all need to know that it is NEVER good when you are towing a camper, and some one flags you from a another car yelling about your tire.
So after 3 / THREE, yes THREE / 3 flat tires, one of which just disappeared. Shay said. It's GONE, and another that blew on I-77, which made it take 10 hours to get from Myrtle beach. Not to mention the sever thunderstorm, and high winds that suddenly hit us in the side, and nearly put us off the highway before I figured out what was going on. We are home safe, maybe not so sound, but safe.
In the morning I get to find out if the TT was damaged other than bending the low point drain tube.
BTW ONE of the tire was on the TV.
TT Tires 4 years old. Before it leave the house again. It will have all new tires, and at least 2 spares, maybe 3
Another BTW. the TT did NOT act any different when the tire blew, or should I say disintegrated. It just felt harder to pull. I thought the wind was blowing in the nose.
under inflated? over inflated? bad luck?
PSI was perfect. Not over loaded. Think they were just old. This was their 4th summer, and also. It was durn hot.
I do think that blowing the first one brought on blowing the second one, as it was on the same side, in fact ALL the flats including the TV tire were on the same side. TV tire was cut, Maybe when I pulled around the tire store. It went flat while I was paying for the spare. Had it not been for the truck telling me about low psi. I would have driven out on the highway