2manytoyz wrote:
Pay close attention to the rated noise level. Ever 3dB doubles the sound energy. This one is rated at 53-58 dB. The Champion 3500W is rated at 68 dB. To put that in perspective, mine at full load is 58 dB, double the noise (+3dB), would be 61 dB, double it again, 64 dB, again, 67 dB. I have a Champion 7500W generator also, rated at 74 dB.
It's worth observing that, while 3 dB is indeed a doubling of power in a physics sense, it doesn't sound twice as loud subjectively; it's only a modest increase in perceived volume. Generally somewhere around 10 dB is accepted as what is subjectively "twice as loud" though it varies with the person, the nature of the noise in question, and probably some other things.