bid_time wrote:
I would much prefer something the videos the violator, identifies him, and places the pictures on public TV and fines them equal to 5 x the normal fine with automatic loss of a license… if their speed causes an accident with or without injuries it should be a criminal offense not a vehicular citation…
But in the meantime if you could selectively pin-point the violator and blow his eardrums up… I could drum up a oh what a shame for him, I guess… Na not a great idea…
First let’s try strict enforcement with steep penalties (not just the normal threats and signs)… call it entrapment, call it a income generator, or call it for safety, I don’t care… the end result is fewer speeders along with an enriched PD, a safer work place for the workers, and safer roads for me and others not tripping on a testosterone overload…
I'm all in favor of your idea with one caveat, we give the exact same treatment to anyone that drives under the speed limit in anything but the right lane.
I too would support the same treatment for someone driving under the speed limit on any lane where they can, and that includes the right lane… but remember limited access, multi-lane highways have a range of legal speeds that applies to all lanes, and a keep right except to pass laws to keep slower legal speeds to the right lane… all are equally important to enforce for the smooth flow of traffic…
But the intent of thread is for those violating the maximum speed in work zone putting workers at extreme risk in preforming their duties without having to look behind their back all day as one of their normal duties…
From my own experience working alongside traffic almost all accidents of this type result from one driver vastly exceeding the work zone speed limit, not paying attention and having to brake quickly to slow down for another who is observing the work zone limit…