Forum Discussion

Go_Dawgs1's avatar
Jun 16, 2013

Lost my good friend today

Sad to say that my camping buddy Reo Yogi was laid to rest today. Born on April 29, 1999 and passed on June 15, 2013. What a great friend he was. A dalmation who loved to camp, chase bunnies, or whatever he thought he could catch, but couldn't. We were hoping to get a few more weeks and through our great adventure this summer, but some higher power had better plans for him. He will be missed.
  • Sorry for your loss.

    It's never easy to lose your best friend - and it's never easy to say goodbye.
    However, the "Rainbow Bridge" always has room for one more.

    If you wish, see the "RV Pet Stop" forum (here) for lots more "RIPs" of departed four-legged best friends.

    A new best friend helps - but you know you and he/she will be there again (drat!)

  • I believe most of us who have pets that travel with us become very attached to them. As "empty nesters" our pets fill the void of raising our children. I do hope you find another pet to care for even though you will never forger the companionship and comfort Reo provided you for so many years.
  • Jim is so right. I'm hoping my passed little buddies will all put in a good word for me.
  • To quote James Thurber:
    "If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven- and very very few persons."

    Sorry for your loss.
  • Sorry for the loss of your friend and family member. I lost my Dalmatian Shadow about 1 year ago....