Forum Discussion

Pop-Pop_C's avatar
May 31, 2013


Contemplating trading to a M.H.
What percentage is the norm off MSRP. Have heard from 15 - 30%.
Currantly being offered 15% on what they are calling a "SUPERSAVER".
Have not done any negotiations yet. This is on 2013 40' DP.
In advance thank you !
  • A lot will depend on the manufacturer as some have more markup than others. It will also depend on dealer overhead. A large volume dealer you may be able to get 30% where as a low volume dealer may only allow 15%. If you do not like the deal, go to another dealer
  • My MSRP was $33K and I payed $19.5 plus tax & licence just a couple months ago.
  • lanerd wrote:
    That 30% doesn't always work. It depends upon many different things. In our case we were trying to negotiate for a never sold 2011 DP. Even tho it was two years old, they still would not budge from 25%. We passed, but now wished that we hadn't. The difference would not have made even a small dent in the overall price.

    We are still looking....


    Have to agree. I also think it varies depending on location. We tried to purchase twice in the last couple of years and were never given this big of a discount. Not sure if something has changed or they are getting tired of us. Lol

    Of course as of may 24th, they had already sold 80 something units for the month and they said they are 8th in the country (as far as camping worlds).
  • Right now they are having record sales in RV's.

    We got 16% at an RV Show when the economy was good in 2006. Much less when we traded in 2008 when sales started were dropping because we were upside down. Now, we are even farther upside down and so if we traded, we'd have to come up with $$$$'s.
  • That 30% doesn't always work. It depends upon many different things. In our case we were trying to negotiate for a never sold 2011 DP. Even tho it was two years old, they still would not budge from 25%. We passed, but now wished that we hadn't. The difference would not have made even a small dent in the overall price.

    We are still looking....

  • If they aren't offering 30% I'd walk. 15% is the show price. They can do better than that. That was their first offer to us. Called threm back 2 weeks later & made an offer of 30% off & they grabbed it. Plus gave us very good deal on our trade.
  • We are picking up a class c and was offered the best deal we've been given. I think it comes out to just over 25% off the msrp.