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urbanjo's avatar
Jul 10, 2013

Magnetic lights

We traded in our Jeep Wrangler (toad) for a 2013 Honda Fit. Jeep was an excellent toad, just not a practical second vehicle. Our RV dealer is installing the baseplate and break away switch, but wants $250 to wire the brake lights. We spent the $250 on the Jeep and look where that got me.

This time I said no thanks and I'll use the magnetic lights, his reply was "you must like scratches on your car", which i thought was very unprofessional but that is a different thread.

so now he's got me thinking, did I make a mistake by not wiring the lights? $250 i think is a lot of money, I've never really been a car person, so i don't feel like its something I want to attempt myself, but a do a lot of DIY around the house and basic RV maintenance...

is my new Honda Fit really going to get scratched up or was he just being a jerk..?
  • I have the magnetic lights as an emergency backup in case the regular lights fail. Have used them once. They do scratch the paint. I wouldn't want to fool with them every time I towed. If you don't want to tap into the car's lights, some cars have enough room for you to add a totally separate socket/bulb.
  • Something to think about for you. We used those lights recently towing our car with the Class A. Unfortunately, the wires that led from the bumper made rub marks in the car paint where they were in contact.

    Ron S
  • I use magnetic lights for towing our Ford Fusion hybrid. Reasons being:

    1. I don't want to tap into a hybrid's (extremely complicated!) electrical system any more than is absolutely necessary.

    2. Trying to keep toad wiring simple, generic, and transferable. Hate spending tons of $$ on wiring tail-lights, only to have to do it all over again and spend the $$ all over again when trading vehicles.

    ..That said, your dealer was right - Magnetic lights can and do scratch paint if any dirt gets between the magnet and your paint. Wiping the surfaces off real good before putting them on as well as using small pieces of window tint material (as already noted) or other thin cloth will minimize that risk.

    Or, you might be able to do what I'm doing: Mount the magnetic lights INSIDE The car, up against the back window. All I had to do was put velcro on the bottom of my magnetic lights, and they stick in place easily on the 'shelf' behind the rear seats. They sit right behind the headrest on the rear seats out of the way (and do not block your view). Never have to take them off if I don't want to, as they stay in place fine and aren't in the way or cause any problem when driving the toad. Never have to worry about scratching paint again. :)

    As to the wiring for magnetic lights: As already said, do NOT even THINK about running a wire along outside of vehicle, where it will be up against the paint!! That WILL cause bad scratching (don't ask how I know, haha). Route the wires underneath the car somehow, come out in the back near where you will use the magnetic lights. I actually had U-haul do that wiring, as I was/am too fat and lazy to crawl under the car and do that, haha. I just asked them to run a standard '4 flat' wires from the 6-round connector I already had up front on the base plate, and come out with it in the trunk where I'd plug in the magnetic lights. They did it for just 1/2 hour labor, around $37 IIRC.

    I do have to confess, though, that one day I probably will break down and get a custom tail-light wiring kit like THIS one and put it in, and stop using magnetic lights. Only way I'd do it is with a kit that uses OEM specific wire harnesses (no wire tapping necessary).
  • Are good magnetic lights free?
    Also if one doesn't feel qualified for doing these procedures, is a high priced dealer, their only other option? I helped my neighbor with his and most sure he could have found someone else if I wasn't available.
  • We have "wireless" magnetic lights for our toad and like them very much. Have NOT seen any scratches where I mount them on the tailgate, but I did use a heavy coat of wax on the tailgate just to make sure.
  • He was not being a jerk. He was correct. Those magnet bases are strong and will attract minute iron based particles. It is surprising what they will attract. Even a microscopic particle between the magnet base and the paint will scratch. No you will also have to deal with the wires from the motorhome to the Honda. They will vibrate in the wind and cause scratches. If you get the wireless model of lights, you have to deal with batteries and radio signals. Why go through the hassle everytime you hook up and unhook. Get it done right, enjoy it and forget about it.
  • Just bought wiring harness for my Honda Element and Im going to do the wiring myself. It's easy to do . The hardest part of the whole job is removing the inside panels to run the wiring. Look on line at Demco Towed Connector Electrical Hook-Up.

    I have magnetic lights I use as back up . If you decide to use magnetic lights make sure you buy the good ones not Harbor Freight . Iv used both and you get what you pay for. The LED's are the best Iv used. I also use picnic table cloth pins on the windows to hold the wiring. If you have any kind of a trailer with lights it's smart to have a set of magnetic lights for emergency.
  • Being a jerk. Stop by a window tint place and ask for some scraps of tint. Cut two circles of it where you mount your mag lights. No scratches.

    $250 is high. Shouldn't take an hour.