To the OP. One thing to consider is how much frontal area the towed trailer has. Many vehicles tow ratings are derived from hauling a flat bed trailer loaded with bricks or cinder blocks on it. The load is not tall, often below the top of the trucks tail gate. No frontal area to speak of, and no long tall slabs (walls) to catch side winds. A 10 to 15 percent buffer is a good idea for those wanting a comfortable, non white knuckle trip. Sooner or later, someone will come on here and say they haul a 36' TT weighing 16k pounds with an 1,800 lb. tongue weight behind a 1/2 ton truck with five people in it and a bunch of stuff in the bed, and they don't even know it is back there unless they look in the rear view mirrors. Oh and they are getting 19+ mpg while towing it, too. :)