On 6/6/2014 Capri Racer addressed this question :
Lowsuv asked:
CapriRacer ,
Were any wheel failures the cause of a tire failure ?
Were the wheel failures caused by too much psi ?
Capri Racer responded :
I am not aware of any tire failures that can be attributed to wheel failures - except to say, that a cracked wheel that leaks out air, or a structural failure of the wheel that damages the tire during the failure process are not included in that list.
Also, there have been issues with wheels that have caused tire failures, but the wheel didn't fail. The wheel was just defective.
I am also not aware of any wheel failures caused by too much inflation pressure. I have tried repeatedly to get the low-down on designing wheels and whether too high of inflation pressure has real significance to the stresses - as opposed to the stress caused by load on the wheel (and tire). 4 times now I have gotten an indication that inflation pressure is not significant, but none of those is as definitive as I would like. I'm taking that to mean that somewhere there is something definitive, but I just haven't found it.
So I'm taking the stance that directionally using higher inflation pressure reduces the risk of failure - including a wheel failure even if you exceed the maximum inflation pressure stamped on the wheel. (and I'm talking about - say - using 80 psi on a wheel stamped 65 psi max.) I know that is controversial, and I ordinarily wouldn't make that sort of recommendation, but if that is the only available option, I think it would be better than doing nothing.