B.O. Plenty wrote:
Jim Shoe wrote:
darsben wrote:
Wow and it is a brand that the dealer sells.
The maker of that brand might like to know about one of their dealers.
If they operate a successful dealership the manufacturer could care less how they do business as long as it doesn't reflect on them. RV dealers are all independent and can pretty much do what they please. They have no ties to a manufacturer other than they buy units from them and sell them for as much as they can. Not like the car dealers who operate under strict franchise guidelines. The more trailers they sell the happier the manufacturer is. What they do in their service department is of no concern. Sucks doesn't it...
Depends on the mfgr.
Mfgrs have "pulled the plug" on dealers in the past.
Bad news may not travel fast enough - but it travels just the same..:W