Cummins12V98 wrote:
"Some American dentists practice there to avoid the US insurance fiasco"
Maybe you can elaborate on this "fiasco". The Dental Industry has been very good at self regulating and does NOT have the problems that the Medical Industry does in the US.
If people want to risk their health over a few bucks have at it. Knowing what I know and have seen building Dental Clinics for 30 years the trip across the boarder would NOT be for me.
Hooo ---eee - if only "we" knew what you know!!..:R
So - - you *built* dental clinics in Mexico? ROTFL
US or Mexico - does building clinics makes you an expert on dentistry - or on construction?..:@
What problems (in your esteemed opinion) does the "Medical Industry" have in the US?
OP - ignore the drivel - go over to the Escapees forums, search "Algodones" and/or "Los Algodones" - lots of info, satisfied patients, and *recommendations*.
Many dentists in Mexico are also licensed (and trained)) in the US - some practice dentistry on both sides of the border.
Easy to verify (US) college credentials.