Shipper wrote:
travelnutz wrote:
The OP is full of beans with his posted prices and what you get at a Michigan State Park CG. Below is the copied and pasted 2013 CG fees for all Michigan State Park CG's.......
The Link!,4570,7-153-10365-32926--,00.html
The campground site fees are exactly the same for anyone from any state including Michigan residents.
I have a reservation at Mclain State Park for 4 days for $28 a night for a site with no pad, no water; only electric hookup. Most of the toilets are vault (pit). As a non-resident I have to purchase an annual pass (expires 12/31/2013) for $30.50 plus $6.40 for my Toad which increases the cost to $37.23 per night with a grass site that's probably not level.
I only took this site because every thing else was booked for the Labor Day weekend. The State Park has many vacancies (perhaps the OP has a point) so was easy to book, but I'll probably not stay at State Parks for the rest of my trip even after paying the annual fee. Unlike many other State's parks, Michigan doesn't seem to offer as much bang for the buck with their state parks. JMHO :p
Pads?? I have not seen state parks here that had pads. There are plenty of private campgrounds that can supply these needs at a comparable fee . Michigan has a short camping season compared to say Florida as mentioned or even Alabama. As said before "usually" our most popular state parks are reserved 100% way ahead of time (fact). So it seems there isn't a shortage of people waiting to pay the fee.
We've taken a big hit in Michigan compared to many other states financially over the last 10 years. We all are paying higher fees in Michigan for everything. Why wouldn't this get passed onto a nonresident? Or are we suppose to supplement your vacations as well?
Personally if I was traveling and planned ahead and knew of all fees involved, it would be my decision if it was acceptable. If not, I wouldn't complain about the fees when I had other choices that met my expectations. I wouldn't have any issues paying whatever fees in another state if that is really what I wanted.