Hi Ron,
No, even cranking the weight distribution as much as I did does not make any difference in where the rear and front of the truck ends up. It's the same with any tension I use but I don't have the slight sway issue when the weight distribution isn't cranked up as much as I had it for my trip home. The truck doesn't drift at all when not towing either. Steering has never been an issue so I'm sure the weight on the front axle is sufficient sice that height changes so little regardless. On my next trip out, I'm going to just use the weight distribution at it's minimum. The Chevy specs say I don't need it at all when towing less than 13,000 lbs. but because it's part of the hitch system, I have to either remove it completely which I don't want to do or at least get them tight enough not to dangle in the wind. We'll see what happens and if there's improvement or it's worse, I'll report my findings here.