None of it matters as People have their own ideas on the subject and drive accordingly. Supposedly you can drive in the left lane but have to move over for over taking traffic. They drive slower, or at the prescribed speed precisely, which is against the law. They must move over.
Flash your headlights for them to move over, which is proper etiquette, and they get incensed, hit the brakes, slow down more, or ride on the corner of a semi in the right lane, or call the cops on you, accusing you of road rage. Every trip we encounter multiple situations, mostly involving semis which cause inumerable wrecks, worn out brakes and nerves and road rage. Troopers won't pull them over in most cases because too many points they can't drive for six months or a year, and insurance companies won't cover them. Try to maintain an interval is a fruitless endeavor. People constantly cut in front of you, if there is even a car length and a half, forcing you to hit the brakes. Semis do it too. Nearly lost our Mh and lives several years ago as semis came over on us almost taking the first ten feet of so of our Mh off. They did do it on purpose. GSP stopped one of them and when he was back on the rod he was going to get his .223 and then his .308 and such, a real nut job. W were using our CB at the time and heard him. I enjoy driving our little black car as I can stay out of their way and maintain an interval usually, until the fastest cars on the road four cylinder shoe boxes Toyotas and vans decide they want to race. I won't speed my way into a ticket or jail. Amazing they run 120 or better and get away with it.
Doesn't matter just back off the competitive attitude.