If I’m not going to go to jail for breaking a law then I’ll take my chances. Sometimes it’s better to do what has been declared illegal than to do the right thing and take a chance endangering yourself or someone else. And yes, I’m going to make the decision based on the immediate circumstances rather than around a law that was passed because of some crying about not being able to do 80 mph in the left lane in a 75mph zone.
Yes, I’m that guy!
As for laws, hows this for a stupid law. On the Chain Of Lakes in Northern IL they passed a law requiring a person on the botat to hold a flag when someone is tubing or skiing. A family with connections had a child get run over by a drunk boater and killed. Well they petitioned this new law and it passed. All great. But WTH good is it when the person in the water is the one that should have the flag! The law is ridiculous at best. The flag is not going to stop a drunk from running over someone. But it passed because someone said it should. You can have all the laws you want. If they aren’t realistic then they are useless.