We had a wet spring last year and the mosquitoes were bad. I downloaded an app called AntiMosquito on my smartphone that emits a high pitched tone that mosquitoes don't like. I turn it up as high as it will go. It works really well for me. I keep my phone in my pocket and it protected my entire body. It only worked in my immediate area. Someone standing a few feet from me would not be protected.
The only downside to it is that kids can usually hear it and it can be annoying to them. Not sure about pets since we don't have any.
This year, we had a really, really wet spring so far, but the mosquitoes haven't been too bad yet. They are still around though. My wife's sister bought us 4 Tiki Torches and Off Citronella oil with cedar. It actually works really well. Within a minute or two of lighting them, the area is skeeter free. I setup a triangle around the perimeter of our camp chairs and put the fourth one a little ways away from our chairs - depending on which way the wind is blowing - so the smoke blows towards us. None of us have been bitten yet while at the camp site. I picked up a couple while walking around the campground. If I can remember to turn on my app, then I'd be good while away from the camp site as well.