Mel B. wrote:
Winged One wrote:
centerline wrote:
its legal in 2 western states. califonia and arizona. but its not in oregon, idaho, washington, montana or nevada...
When did Idaho, Montana and Nevada ban it for 5th wheels? I couldn't find any source on-line that states that those States ban double (or triple, whatever someone wants to call it) towing with 5th wheels (Swivel trailers are only for use behind 5th wheels not travel trailers).
I drove all through Montana in 2013 with my Swivel Wheel without an issue. Sad if it has changed.
How much wieght do the 2 tires absorb on the swivel wheels. If I loaded a 1000 lb. bike on it how much of that 1000 lbs. is actualy added to the 5th wheel frame?
Here is part of a FAQ from the manufacturers website.
What kinds of tongue weights should I expect with the Swivelwheel system?
Tongue weights vary with the system and weights associated with that system. An example of a tongue weight using the Swivelwheel-58 system with a 690 pound HD Fat Boy centered on the deck is shown below.
Weights with HD Fat Boy Motorcycle
HD Fat Boy Motorcycle (Centered) 690 Pounds
System Weight 404 Pounds
Weight at the system tire 574 Pounds
Total Weight 1094 Pounds
Tongue Weight 501 Pounds
Keep in mind they are talking about the single wheel not the double. The double just increases capacity.
And from another page:
The Swivelwheel-58 system will have about a
50/50 split.
With the system at load capacity of 1000 pounds, this would relate to
650 lbs at the tire and 650 lbs at the receiver hitch.
The Swivelwheel-58DW will have the same
50/50 split as the Swivelwheel-58 and give a tongue
weight and tire load of around 795 lbs at maximum load capacity.
The information seems incongruous. But figure on the high side 60% of total weight on the hitch seems a safe bet to figure out if your trailer can handle it.
Keep in mind, they recommend a 30ft 5th with at least 10k
dry weight. I recommend a thick 12 inch I beam minimum, or have a qualified frame and welding shop take a look.
Our trailer is 12.5k dry and 14.5k loaded with a GVWR of 15.5k.