Forum Discussion

Trails_And_Tail's avatar
Sep 01, 2015

Mountain RVing advice.

We're planning an extended RV trip for next spring that will put us in the mountains for part of it. Our Class C is a 1991 with a Ford 460 engine and automatic 3 speed (plus manual OD) transmission. The best specs I can find for this combination is 245 hp @ 2200 rpm and 400 lbs torque @ 4000 rpm. Which of these specs should I pay attention to? I'm looking for the optimum pull for the uphills and I'm not sure what would be a good starting place (rpm) to start looking for the "sweet spot". Any advice about this or anything else related to mountain travel would be greatly appreciated. BTW: I'm a bit of a sissy so I'll be planning to stay on Interstates as much as possible.
  • Check out It is a site (and book) that can help prepare you for mountain climbing. (I bought both books). Todd
    (Heading out to Yellowstone today!)
  • I'd worry more about coming down the hills rather than going up. Have the brakes checked and the brake fluid changed. If the brake fluid hasn't been changed in a long time, it absorbs moisture keeping the brakes from performing their best.

  • Not sure what you mean about your transmission, a stick shift? If you are staying on interstates you should be fine. I had Ford vans up to a '85 before I switched to diesel trucks and cap overs. Every Ford I ever had back to the mid engine type had nasty weak brakes that over heated to the point of failure on long steep grades. Not fun. You should be ok in Interstates.