Forum Discussion

Turtle_n_Peeps's avatar
Sep 05, 2017

My advice to the good people of FL

If you have an RV, pack up and get out NOW. Head north now!

No, don't wait. Pack your computers and pictures and family stuff and hit the road Jack.

You have early warning so use it please! It could save your life!
  • The hard part is that even NOW they have no idea which side it is gonna ride up... east or west... makes it hard to make a decision as to which way to run....

    Glad I don't have to deal with that
  • I agree. Knowing how the traffic gets, I would be out by now. Well inland!
  • "Have you ever seen 750,000,000 people trying to leave Florida?"

    Darn, that state has really grown! Just the other day I checked and Florida had almost 21,000,000.
  • JAXFL wrote:
    Have you ever seen 750,000,000 people trying to leave Florida? It don't happen even in 2 weeks... I95 and I75 look like parking lots from Florida line to Atlanta ... And gas is short supplied.

    750,000,000 people are not going to leave FL. They don't have the means. Just because they don't have an RV doesn't mean that you have to stay. This is an RV forum so most on this forums have RV's and those that do; PLEASE USE THEM, NOW! Traffic is light right now. If you wait, you will be @#$!% because traffic won't stay that way!

    As the saying goes, when you're in a group of people that a lion is chasing: "You don't have to be the fastest; you just can't be the slowest."

    You have days warning. Use them to your advantage.

    About the fuel. Get it TONIGHT! Fill up now!
  • Have you ever seen 750,000,000 people trying to leave Florida? It don't happen even in 2 weeks... I95 and I75 look like parking lots from Florida line to Atlanta ... And gas is short supplied.
  • Good advise... it is NOW the largest to form in the Atlantic Basin with 185 MPH Winds..
    They are saying it COULD effect a large part of Florida.

  • In my driveway & half packed. Will be out by Weds afternoon. Live on a Gulf connected canal in the Glades and this looks like one to leave behind.