Gaslighting is a big thing - not usually to the extent of the movie. I had neighbors and the man had NPD. He would remain very calm and "normal" and would say things to her so she'd get hysterical and then he'd look around at people as if to say "see she's crazy". I couldn't help her, but her teen daughter used to take refuge in my home. He'd walk around the house peering in the windows trying to get us both hysterical. I could see what he was doing and called the police and he'd try to manipulate them.
My sibling on the other hand didn't play the gaslight game. You weren't worth her effort - well actually you just ceased to exist when she didn't want something from you.
My younger sibling plays the manipulation. Funny that both my dad and my NPD sibling would fall for it. That's why she worked so hard to get me disinherited - because I was the only one, since my Mom died, who could see through her games.
I figure the two of them deserve each other. Wonder which one will abuse the other in their old age...