darsben wrote:
dspencer wrote:
I have my suspicions that he's trying to push me to the Green Max because of there profit margin. There's only a little over a $100 difference between the 2 and to me its a no brainer.
A light went on and if that is your suspicion then I would not go back to him. He is putting his interest over yours. Not something you want from your dealer.
Seriously think about it
Further thought is that since they are Chinese made by a Chinese company there is not a corporation doing Quality Assurance to make sure the compounds are formulated and applied properly.At least with China made BRAND NAME tires theoretically the corporation putting their name on them is checking to make sure the tires conform to their specs
I respect your opinion however he has gave me the best price yet on the Maxis so I can overlook that he is just trying to look out for his bottom line as long as I do my homework.