Old-Biscuit wrote:
Toilet Conversion Chart
You need to verify that your black tank vent line is clear.
Honeywagon is using too high vacuum when sucking your tank empty.
Even with a fully functional clear vent they can create more negative pressure then vent line can handle....hence the problem with breaking your toilet.
They should be using a 'vacuum box'
Your sewer hose connects to one side (waste dumps into it) and then vac hose connects to other side. Box has vent line to atmosphere preventing vacuum being pulled on anything but vac tank (no vacuum on RV tanks...they gravity flow into vac box)
Honeywagon crew is causing issues if pulling vacuum directly on RV waste tanks.
Tanks collapsing etc.
They should only be running vacuum pump on idle....no need for 22hg or more vacuum :S
I've been told by rv techs to NEVER allow a honey wagon to use vacuum to empty an RV tank. That vacuum power is used for residential 'concrete' septic tanks. It will collapse a plastic RV holding tank. And if it broke your toilet! Well that should tell you something and would be very concerned about your holding tank.
That CG owner should know better or perhaps he is not aware that it was the septic truck driver is doing. It is faster to use vacuum and the LAZY truck drivers will do it. But vacuum sucking of a plastic holding tank should NEVER be used.
At sporting events all of us make sure we are there and watching them drain our tanks because the minute no one is there to watch them, those idiot lazy truck drivers start using the vaccuum. And many Rv'ers have had cracked tanks because of it.