All I can say is beware, beware and don't get sucked in. They give out those "free" memberships all the time at RV shows and we got one too in the beginning and they love to give them to unsuspecting newbies buying their first RV. They don't have a draw, they go through all of the entries in the barrel and contact every one of them to try and snag a sucker.
"Free" is something like one free weekend, not in the summer and not on a long weekend and is only good for one year. Be prepared to get a used car type sales pitch if you go to a "presentation". No two memberships are the same and it's a game to negotiate what you can in the contract. Do your due diligence on the internet before doing something you may regret. We used our "free" membership as a bargaining tool when we bought into KM and got something like $1K off but may have gotten that off anyway if pushed hard enough. Memberships can include a single CG, a few select ones or all of them. Neskowin is reasonably clean and cared for. It's owned separately from all their other CGs as it is owned by another family member and operated independently. We found to to be rather bland and boring and it was a bit of a drive to the nearest town or attraction. It's nowhere near a beach either. We wouldn't have gone back but others may find it's to their liking.
We used to be members of KM Resorts which has around 10 or so CGs around Wa. plus the Neskowin CG in Or. After 4 years of using KM we got rid of it early this year. We visited all of them. They have lots of issues due to poor maintenance and failure to enforce their rules. We finally got sick and tired of it all. Some of their CGs have been way oversold and are hard to get into in the high season (like Beachwood) - I think Neskowin is easier tho.
If you want other KM Resorts CGS and some of the various available options and benefits, you MUST negotiate them into your contract.
We sold our top of the line KM membership for $1000 that included all KM CGs incl. Neskowin. Cost us around $4K initially. Even at $1K it took us months to sell it. If you really want a Neskowin membership or all of the KM CGs, look for a used one on CL. We now have a premium membership in a CG network that will get us into their CGs all across the US and we only paid $750 on CL and they have 4 or 5 CGs on the Or. Coast in comparison and are quite happy with it.
Last year KM sent a supposedly independent, arms length sales guy to our house in BC (from Wa. state) to give us a pitch to upgrade our membership for something like $5K - $10K to get access to vacation condos around the world and a few other benefits. Total BS pitch. The guy said it was a one-time offer that ended the moment he left our house. He expected us to write him a check on the spot! He even tried to insist our access to Neskowin wasn't included in our membership despite having it in writing on our contract and having even been there. This pitch was the last straw... :M
Membership CG organizations can be good but it depends on what your "camping" style and expectations are. Most importantly, do all the research you can on the 'net and even go visit one of their CGs and ask what members think before laying out the $$.
BTW, never buy a pre-owned membership from anyone unless the seller gives you the membership no. and you check it with the head office.