Thanks, your thoughts confirmed mine. Just I did not have the drag estimates at speed. I did the force to get the 9,200# TT rolling and it was so low that I thought I made a mistake.
The TT drag does not seem to be enough to allow the tow ball to come off of the safety latch. So as I suspected they are towing with the chains potentially all the time.
I'll have to investigate the ball coupler saftey latch further. I have never even seen a rating on the latch when used in this manor. The rating is normally always by the ball pulling the camper by the coupler nose and the amount of tongue weight.
I still do not like the fact that one could be potentially towing the camper with the urethane spring frame brackets where the chain attaches. And as the WD chain force goes up as we suspect it will, this issue of the pulling on the brackets gets worse.
Maybe Anderson will publish some more WD data to help alleviate these concerns.