Bruce H. wrote:
I adjusted the spring tension until the front fender was within 1/8", which amounted to 1/4" of spring compression. I am a newbie at this weight distribution stuff, but I am thinking that there may be a little too much weight distributed to the front axle and trailer axle. Would appreciate your input on this.
With no WD applied, the front height increased 5/8".
After application of WD, the front was up 1/8".
This means that application of WD eliminated 80% of the front-end rise.
For comparison, Ford now is specifying that WD should be adjusted to eliminate 50% of the rise, and
Equal-i-zer specifies that you should eliminate at lease 50% of the rise.
Since it appears that Honda recommends against using a WDH on the Pilot,
it might be good to shoot for a little bit less load distribution -- perhaps ending up with 1/4" front-end rise versus 1/8". Placing too much load back onto the front axle can result in a tendency toward oversteer, and oversteer, when towing, is not a good thing.
There is nothing wrong with having 1-2" of rear-end squat.