Dog gone... Sorry I’m late to the party. Was out camping. :)
Ron, you found that 5 year old post. :C LOL
Ron Gratz wrote:
BarneyS wrote:
Ron, I learned long ago not to try to argue a point with you (:W) BUT notice that Ben said "So it DOES NOT transfer as much weight to the front axle as a traditional receiver would with the same WD spring forces." (Bold added for emphasis) I still think his point was valid.:)
If the "WD spring forces" are the same, the load transfer to the front axle will be the same
-- unless you change WD bar length, TV wheelbase, ball overhang, ball to TT axles distance, or tongue weight.
Receiver torsional stiffness does not enter into the relationship between WD spring force and load transfer.
Ron, I agree with your statements as per the words on the screen. There is an element not being stated that does occur on certain receivers. Receiver efficiency to transfer an adjustment of a WD setting into the TV frame is a factor.
This leads to the receiver torsional stiffness discussion. The difference is the WD spring forces are not the same per what some may declare as a normal WD adjustment when a receiver has excess flex. When you do reach the WD spring force to be the same on a less efficient receiver after over adjusting the hitch, then yes the WD on the TV will be the same. If you happen to be an unlucky RV’er with a weaker receiver stiffness there are times you just run out of WD adjustment on the hitch before proper WD on the TV is ever obtained. The excess pin box to shank play (excess clearance) falls in here as well.
That being said, I totally agree Renojack is way off on his WD settings at this point. It may be he simply does not yet have the urethane springs tightened up enough. Or he has a combo problem. Since we have not seen a side view picture of his Anderson hitched to his Burb, we cannot tell if the pin box on the receiver has a large upward angle to it. Renojack, any chance of posting a side pic?
To all:
We have not yet run into a troubleshooting post on the Anderson hitch where the user has a low efficiency receiver where excess flex affects their ability to properly adjust the hitch. Sooner or later we will.
It will be really interesting to see this Anderson Urethane spring deflection chart. If someone obtains a copy, please post.