goducks10 wrote:
So the coupler failures are from well used couplers that were worn out before installing the Andersen. Not sure if thats a fair slam on the Andersen. Yes the worn out couplers probably would've been fine on a conventional WD setup, but someone with a new TT shouldn't have a problem. IMO. And to what degree were those couplers worn? I read the Airstream link about the coupler problem and IIRC that guys coupler needed replaced before he installed the Andersen, but didn't know it till he installed the Andersen. I guess the question is, will the Andersen cause premature coupler wear?
I don't think anybody is 'slamming' Andersen per-se, I just think it's a valid question about the long-term wear-and-tear the Andersen setup puts on the coupler latch assembly as compared to a conventional setup. I think it's a valid concern, and from the responses I've seen from the manufacturer, I don't get the impression that they did any long-term testing or simulation on the product before releasing it for sale to the public. I get the impression that the early users are their alpha-testers when in the case of a coupler system like this, that type of testing should have been done on a test rig set up to apply the loads and simulate the movement of several years' worth of use under worst-case loading conditions with multiple coupler designs before turning it loose on the public.