TomG2 wrote:
Just because one piece of merchandise costs twice what another one does is no guarantee that it will be worth twice as much or that the lower priced model is a "Gamble". It will be interesting to see if Honda lowers their prices or the competition raises theirs.
Honda doesn't have to lower their price, they aren't giving you less generator. Cheaper brands are just not giving you as much as Honda is. It doesn't mean that you cant get by with the lesser generator, it means that when you start running each product maxed out or happen to slam it with overloads the Honda or Yamaha will hold up better. If the day comes that they need repairs you will find Honda dealers everywhere and parts available long after the others are obsolete. That's the difference in price.
If you need a screw gun to do a one time project buy a Ryobi, if you want to use a screw gun for years and then start using it to run your RV stabilizers up and down a zillion times buy a Makita. If you need an inverter and use it nearer to the low side of it's stated capacity and you dont have much money to spend buy an Aims, if you want something that will last and can be operated nearer to the high end of it's range buy a Magnum. Magnum isn't lowering it's price because Aims is junk. I bought an Aims and it only took one time of mistakenly letting my refrigerator get plugged into it and it blew it's guts out. Junk.
Another example: My wife uses scissor for cutting hair. She tried cheaper scissors and she now has good scissor. The good scissors cost $300 and haven't been sharpened in 15 years and still cut like new. Everyone doesn't want $300 scissors so they buy $50 scissors and keep getting them sharpened and tolerate them. The $300 scissor hasn't come down in price but there are probably a good deal of $50 scissors laying in drawers.