Thanks for the reply's.
My mattress size is 72x80. Verlo & Sleep Dog does not make a 72x80.
Not sure why the RV industry has so many different sizes of mattresses. They must make the rig, then have someone like Michiana make a cheap mattress to fit.
Mattress Insider does make a 72x80, so thanks for your post Thermoguy. I want the same type firm mattress you talk about & not necessarily the top of the line. My back is aging as well. Insider makes 3 different mattresses in the 72x80 size.
Sedona their entry level & 5.5 inches thick
Aspen with 6" or 8" or 10" thick
Scarsdale Luxury with 9" thick
Do you recall what thickness you got. I'm going to get one & am somewhat gun shy and trying to eliminate the step of returning it or taking it to a local charity for a refund.
Thanks for your help....