jfdiii wrote:
I appreciate everybody's input.
I feel that I need to clarify; the "early negotiation" was the dealer's asking price and them saying they couldn't budge because they weren't making any money as it was, and my wife just saying "ok".
I had yet to begin MY part of the negotiation when they came back with the 9k under. I don't feel bad not paying the dealer's asking price.
It seems odd to me that there were three negotiations going on here....YOU, your wife, and the Dealership. Usually, it would be you and your wife as a couple....with only one of you actually doing the negotiating with the dealership.
And, it doesn't sound as if YOU actually negotiated at all....you wife said "OK", to the original price, and then they screwed up on the bill of sale.
I once spend a night at a Holiday Inn Express, so I guess I can also suggest that you get an attorney who is licensed in the state of the transaction.
Good luck