Tiggs wrote:
Well, I'd consider the rig cursed. It probably would have caused you no end of trouble and you might just consider yourself better to be done with it. Sometimes things happen for a reason and when things fall apart its so better things can fall together. I'm betting you'll find something nicer for less money and be much happier in the end. It doesn't help to imagine the engine on this rig catching fire on the way back to the dealership ;-)
I agree with that !! Everytime a deal has blown up on us, be it a house, car or whatever. It has always worked out for the best.
Even though at the time there is much nashing of teeth, and boo hooing on our part.
When we finally get that house or whatever it is, our thought has always been, thank goodness that first deal blew up. This other one is so much better. ( and it really always has been).
You will find a good one. Keep the faith. You probably should send them a check for the free education they gave you!! LOL