bigdogger wrote:
monkey44 wrote:
Let me ask this -- IF you'd sent a check for $9000 too much, do you think the dealer would have sent a refund?
And, a very old game in auto sales, sell a car, let the buyer take it home, call a couple days later and say they made a mistake - a mistake never in your favor.
What does your contract say - if it has the price you paid, then you own it. Just a personal opinion, I believe you got the right deal, and the dealer heard your wife, and is now trying to raise the price. That's just my opinion, but it's my opinion because I've seen it happen.
We send overpayments back to the customer all the time. We pay off loans on trades all the time. Sometimes the payoff was quoted with a payment from the customer still in transit, or there is a warranty that can be cancelled and a refund applied. Probably one in 20 customers get a check back when they trade in a car. Most vehicle dealers operate ethically, both because they are ethical, and because if they cheat a customer they could lose their license.
You're talking about two different things here. You're saying a customer has money coming, and you send it. I'm saying if a customer signs a contract but pays more by accident (contracts are complicates,sometimes), does he get the money back?? That's a different thing ...
Lots of ethical dealers out there - but I've seen unethical dealers too. And had this exact situation happen to me, and again a couple years later to an employee. First hand experience -
In both cases the truck was bought for one price ... a few days later, the dealer (different dealers, years apart) called and said he made a mistake in the price, and wanted more.
IN both cases, the dealer 'threatened' to take the vehicle back. I brought it in, dealer decided he's rather have the sale, and I left with the truck, same price. My employee took it back and gave it to them ... said he couldn't afford more - AND took his trade-in back off the lot.
Two days later the dealer called him back and offered the exact same deal to him and he could come and get it ... he declined and had already found another one. The dealer blew up at him (why? - he didn't do anything wrong)... so, first hand, not just a story passed on ... Not every dealer is unethical, but you better check every line and dot every 'i' on a contract - especially a large $$$ purchase.