DH and I have three Westies that camp with us. The two older ones (13 year old girls) started camping with us later in their lives. Our boy (Toby, who is 2 years old) started camping with us as a young puppy. They were part of the reason that we started camping--mainly so we could bring them with us. All of them love to travel with us and we are lucky that none of them get motion sickness. They get the entire backseat of the truck to themselves while traveling. Once we are in the campground, we take them on a walk as soon as we arrive and give them a chance to stretch their legs and do their business. We have only had one thing chewed in the RV. As a young puppy, Toby chewed the strap that holds the fire extinguisher to the wall. No problem--bungee cords work just fine to hold it in place. When we are away from the RV, we shut the blinds and turn on the TV for the dogs. It keeps them from barking at squirrels outside and hearing outside noises. They spend the time sleeping--just as they do at home when we are away at work.
Westies aren't any more prone to barking than any other dog. It is all in the training and letting your dog know what you expect regarding their behavior. We don't allow our dogs to bark for long periods of time at home--so they know better than to do it when we are in the RV. The RV is just another "home" to them. Our neighbor's dog will bark non-stop for 3 or 4 hours--even in the middle of the night--because his owner allows it and even encourages it. If you are good dog parents, then you will have a good dog. You might want to read some of Cesar Milan's books regarding dog training and raising puppies. Your local library should have them on the shelf.
Be sure to bring some toys for the puppy and a Kong with treats to divert his/her attention when you leave the RV. Also, give him/her some of your clothing items or towels with your smell (smelly, not freshly laundered) on it so he/she doesn't get separation anxiety. The clothing will help him/her know that you will return and it will make the RV smell like "home". You can purchase travel crates that fold down and set up easily for the puppy. It will keep them safe while you are away from the RV and they will see it as their "den". Our dogs still love to sleep in their crates--including one of the 13 year olds.
We hope you enjoy your new puppy as much as we enjoy our Westies. Happy travels. :)