WTP-GC wrote:
coolbreeze01 wrote:
WTP-GC wrote:
They've created a law that will force you to break the law in order to keep the law so that others may break the law.
BTW, I don't impede traffic and regularly drive at an elevated (but safe) speed if I'm in the left lane...but I can assure you that flying up behind me and flashing your lights will not help your case.
So you don't let faster traffic get around?
Yes and no...don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Hypothetically, let's say the speed limit is 70 and I'm traveling 78. I will not move over for anyone in such a scenario. If I'm going 70, then it's a judgement call. Flashing lights or giving me the finger doesn't make me go faster or slower. Life is a lot better when you quit caring about how someone you've never met feels about you.
Recently I was pulling a trailer on a 2 lane interstate. I'm in the right lane doing 67, but I come up on someone that's doing far less. The left lane is open. I slide over there to the left lane just to make the pass, but I get hung up there because a plethora of impatient drivers being passing me on the right...despite my right turn signal being on. Naturally, some of them gave me the finger or made some other motion as they passed. Oh well, not my problem.
But back on topic, any law of this nature is basically unenforceable and practically illogical unless someone is intentionally trying to impede traffic by fluctuating their speed or hanging with the car next to them. In a more normal scenario, if a slow car is in the left lane, then you should just pass them on the right. If you can't pass them on the right, then maybe it's because the traffic on the right is slower. If you have passing ability but choose not to, then you are the one impeding traffic. Maybe they can't get over because of traffic. Far too many subjective factors come into play.
78 in a 70 MPH stretch of highway? And another example of someone who picks and chooses what laws apply to themselves. Apparently you think speed LIMITS don't apply?