Guy Roan wrote:
down home wrote:
july 1 those, impeding traffic in the left lane on three land highways, will be fined 50.00.
doesn't matter about speed limit, if you are impeding traffic, other vehicles behind you to back up or stopping someone going faster to slow down etc they will be fined.
won't do much about two lane highways, like yesterday a jeep, going up the mountain was staying at about 45, when the speed limit was 55, and traffic was moving faster than that.
flashed lights and she ht the rakes trying to cause an accident.
semis in right lane doing about 30.
she passed them and we were clear and tried to go around, she hit the gas and went bck down to 45 when she approcahed the corner of another semi in the right lane.
she would not get over.
got past her and she she shot us the finger.
how dare we. it was her lane and she was enforcing her speed limit.
So you are one of those that is better than everyone else and flashes your lights if the vehicle in front of you is going too slow for your liking.
Do it too me and I'll slow down too !
Flashing light is legal and customary.
The car was going below the limit in the left lane. Couldn't see exactly but she may have been texting. She certainly was fiddling with something.
She had a line of traffic backing up for about a half mile, a firs more later.
We tried to go around her after the first semi and she sped up to prevent it.
What she did was illegal and dangerous. I should have called THP and hung with her until they arrived.
I had the dash cam video.
I said what they hey let her be a fool.
Any other time I would have called them.
Don't play macho, it's my road, with the wrong people some time, and cause wrecks.