Mr.Beebo wrote:
I pass in the left lane and I try to allow a fair margin between the vehicle in the right lane before pulling back over.
Usually a couple of car lengths, yet it takes only one car length for a driver behind you to slide into the right lane and it opens the gate for the rest. To everyone behind the first car that passed me, I might look like the idiot who can't move over when the truth is the one driver with no patience or consideration jammed me up, and they are now long gone.
In many ways, driving is just an extension of one's personality.
Here are a couple of suggestions that you may already do:
1. Put your right turn signal on before you clear the vehicle in the right lane so those behind know you intend to pull back over shortly.
2. If that doesn't work (and it may not for some of
those drivers), close the gate again by slowing slightly until there isn't room for more to cut through. Once the first ones through clear the right lane, cut over with a little less margin.