mama.sylvia wrote:
It didn't sound to me like Bird Freak was judging talking about health problems, just saying that a lot of us would prefer to do something else. Like RV. ;)
I've been handicapped since 2005 and just bought a class A that I think I can RV in. DH wants to go see friends and relatives, I want to continue seeing more of the U.S., and the only way I can travel far is in an RV. The 100-mile trip to Denver in my car leaves me seriously hurting. With an RV, I can pull over and stretch out in a comfortable bed whenever I need to. Just had to find a MH that I could climb into, get in and out of the driver's seat, and use the bathroom and bed on. Looking forward to a shakedown cruise once I get the mechanical issues finished!
I sincerely hope you can get back to the RV lifestyle, mama Sylvia. Considering my current condition, I can't see that happening, although I'm better than I used to be. A major issue is my left arm, which is currently useless, although my therapist feels there is some minor improvement. The main problem is not so much he arm itself, but the damaged area in the brain. Constant repetition of arm exercises will hopefully create a new pathway in an undamaged brain area and get the signals to the arm. The RV lifestyle is the only one for me!