The Revere Ware copper bottom percolators are great. Find one and use it. You will enjoy the coffee once you get your formula to your liking. The Corning Ware pots were great too. Had one in use for forty years until the pot separated from the handle and dropped hot coffee in a friends lap. That did it for the corning ware. To bad.
Cowboy coffee made in the blue or grey or black enameled pot is also good once you get your formula to your liking. Mine is about a 2 quart pot and I use five handfuls of coffee with the water up to the bottom of the pour spout. Bring it to a roaring boil. Set to the side of the camp fire and pour in 1 cup of cold water to settle the grounds and you are in business. Coffee made that way could never cause alzheimers as a good cup of cowboy coffee is just to memorable to forget.