Thanks for reading my complaint. I guess you never know about tires. I read all the complaints about ST tires and when I changed to disc brakes I decided to go with the larger 16 in LT tires. I had Marathon st tires and both sets had bulges in all 8 tires. Now I have 5 new tires and hope I can get home without more proplems. I bought 5 tires and kept 1 to take back to the dealer to help determine what went wrong. I inspected the 3 blown ones for nails by looking hard at them and feeling around for anything rough where a nail my have gone thru and maybe the tread when it came off may have pulled the nail with it. Felt nothing. I really wanted to replace these tires with Maxxis ST because of the squiriming of the casing when backing tight. Now I have $ 800+ in new tires so not soon anyway.
THE LAST CAT SCALE WAS 7580# on the 4 tires which gave me about 780# reserve on each tire. Go figure.